martes, 21 de junio de 2011


Diluido en el todo,
una parte de la nada,
cuando todo es poco,
desnudo en la playa.

El miedo un esbozo,
la inseguridad empapa
los abiertos poros
de heridas de venganza.

La felicidad un lujo
que pocos alcanzan,
vida sin futuro
cuando todo acaba.

Cuando lo que es no llena
y lo posible atrapa
toda la existencia
viviendo un mañana.

Ahora el desierto,
después quizás llamas
viviendo despierto
soñando se pasa.

martes, 14 de junio de 2011


Deseo sentir el calor de tu llama,
que ardiendo encienda en mi fuego,
que abrase mi alma
con su ensordecedor estruendo.

Deseo contemplar el reflejo de tu sonrisa,
que evapore mis anhelos con su brisa,
que ilumine el terreno que piso,
que disipe como a la niebla mis suspiros.

Deseo llevar en mi tu mirada,
deseo tener de ti mi alma enamorada,
que seas dueña de mis pensamientos,
que seas la estrella que alumbre mi firmamento.

Deseo besar el suelo que pisas
donde tus pies se posan de puntillas,
que cada amanecer contemple tu hermoso rostro,
que cada noche lo tenga para mi solo.

Deseo que mi corazón lata a tu ritmo,
que como uno solo palpiten al unísono,
que toquemos el cielo en un momento,
que trepemos los muros más altos jamás descubiertos.

Deseo ser el compañero de tu vida,
el amigo fiel con el que convivas.
Que lo nuestro nunca acabe y dure siempre.
Quiero ser tu amante y amarte hasta la muerte.

Deseo tener la pureza necesaria
para ser merecedor de tu Gracia,
para hacer brillar tu alma siempre,
para sentirme un hombre contigo y quererte.


Estoy, no estoy.
Vengo, voy.
Toco el cielo con mi mano,
no te pongas debajo.

Abro una puerta en mi vida,
cierro otras salidas.
Todo entra, nada sale
y penetra como en la cerradura la llave.

Corro, me paro.
Entro, salgo.
Me empapa la lluvia cuando cae,
me ciega el sol cuando sale.

Resbalo por una pendiente
y caigo inconsciente.
Todo abrasa, todo quema.
A veces el agua apaga mi vela.

Lloro, sonrío.
Sueño, vivo.
Te dejo tocar mi alma,
trepar hasta mi roca escarpada.

Quiero alcanzar la Gloria.
Me deslizo por el mundo.
Me duele permanecer mudo.
Busco una escapatoria.

Soy, no soy.
Recibo, doy.
Pongo alas a mi corazón
y trabas a mi razón.

Recito, canto.
Leo, escribo.
Siempre admiro
al que vive silbando.


Tell me baby
what it is?
what's that light for?
what's that breeze?
where that luminous way go?
what's that? Tell me please.

It's your smile,
It's your sunshine,
It's perhaps a miracle,
It's the woman you gonna be.

Tell me baby
Tell me what it is
thath bright in heavens
reach the way yo me
that full my happyness
with a slowly, slowly wind.

It's the hand
you put on me
thath saves my land
for anothers to stole it.

Don't lay down,
don't let me down,
don't go out
don't leave me out.

I'm part of you,
you can see,
so don't let me down
and give your light to me.

Tell me baby,
tell me what it is,
what bright light in heavens
reach the way to me?
what full my happyness
with a slowly, slowly wind?.


You can see me in this while
but I'm another diferent one,
you can see a sweet honest man
but I'm wild and unknown joker boy.

With rythm in my voice,
with rythm in my ears,
wild as a free choice
is my life and are my tears.

I'm calling God in heavens
but he can't hear me,
there is too much noise, so please
I beg a silent around me.

But world is wilder than I think
and men on it are suffering,
there are ones allways craying
and there are anothers thath laugh like a mad shick.

But God's put me on here
with an angel crossing throw me,
waitting to get order in Earth
but I can't do it alone with my faith.

With rytm in my voice,
with rythm in my ears,
with that song of hope
I wait for your help to raise the happy tears.

viernes, 10 de junio de 2011


Always walking at the edge of life,
always staying at the edge of law,
since he was a child
always living at the edge of love.

With danger in one side,
and in the other with success,
he spend all his days
running to feel he's alive.

But, How long he could do that?,
al life you must pay the bill
for the acts you done,
although you think it's no real.

Living wothout friends,
living at the end of the way,
he looks for another games
in all his dangerous days.

There must be something different
in the streets he sill cross throw,
it must be true
that world will change for you.

And he feel he's in a deep hole,
and he can't take out there.
He must be wrong
with the thoughts he made.

It's too late to leave out,
it's too late to be without.
Dear, he must will born again
to be another one, not the same.

Always walking at he edge of life,
always staying at the edge of law,
since he was a child
always living at the edge of love.